Index Fund Corner
Scheme Name | 1-Year Return | Invest Now | Fund Category | Expense Ratio |
Axis Nifty 50 Index Fund | +32.80% | Invest Now | Equity: Large Cap | 0.12% |
Axis Nifty 100 Index Fund | +38.59% | Invest Now | Equity: Large Cap | 0.21% |
Axis Nifty Next 50 Index Fund | +71.83% | Invest Now | Equity: Large Cap | 0.25% |
Axis Nifty 500 Index Fund | — | Invest Now | Equity: Flexi Cap | 0.10% |
Axis Nifty Midcap 50 Index Fund | +46.03% | Invest Now | Equity: Mid Cap | 0.28% |
The tool is available on the official income tax website and helps users compare provisions of the new bill with the current Income Tax Act, 1961.
How the tool works
Taxpayers can navigate the tool using a dropdown menu.
By selecting a section from the existing Income Tax Act, the tool displays the corresponding clause from the new Income Tax Bill 2025 on the right-hand side.
Users can also view a structured table format for a clearer comparison.
About the new income Tax Bill 2025
The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to replace the 64-year-old Income Tax Act, 1961. It reduces complexity by cutting the word count from 5.12 lakh to 2.6 lakh.
The number of chapters has been reduced from 47 to 23, and sections from 819 to 536.
To simplify tax calculations, the number of tables has increased from 18 to 57. The bill also removes 900 explanations and 1,200 provisos that made tax rules difficult to understand.
It introduces the term “tax year” to replace “assessment year” and “previous year,”.
The new bill uses shorter, clearer language, making it easier for taxpayers to interpret tax laws. The self-help tool ensures users can understand the changes, reducing confusion about the new regulations.
With this initiative, the Income Tax Department aims to enhance transparency and help taxpayers navigate the new tax system smoothly.